Top 5 Donut DIYs

Who doesn't love donuts? I mean really, they're basically the happiest looking food on the planet. Even if you don't eat them, you have to admit they're super cute to look at.

Want more donut in your life without busting your "eat healthy foods" new years resolution? Try these super simple and way cute DIYs to bring a whole lot of donut love into your life!

1. Donut garland. Because let's face it, it's not a party unless there's donuts. 

2. Donut pillow! Basically required for the sweetest of dreams.

3. Sprinkle donut mani! How could one resist?

4. Donut bulletin board. You won't ignore the important stuff if it's on a donut.

5. Donut coasters. You know, for that refreshing glass of milk!

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